Channel: ReliefWeb - Jobs

Coordinateur·trice Finance / RH / Admin - RCA

Country: Central African Republic
Organization: Triangle Génération Humanitaire
Closing date: 27 Apr 2024

Information clé

Pays : RCA - Poste basé à Bangui, avec des déplacements réguliers à Birao (Vakaga)

Durée : contrat de 12 mois (renouvelable)

Prise de poste : dès que possible

Conditions : contrat salarié, salaire mensuel brut de 2 369 € à 2 884 € selon expérience, per diem mensuel 606 €, prise en charge d'une couverture médicale à 100% + assurance rapatriement + prévoyance, prise en charge du logement et du transport international et local dans le cadre de la mission, repos tous les 3 mois.

Poste non ouvert à départ en famille.

TGH fait le choix d’une politique de rémunération volontairement simple et transparente, accessible sur notre site www.trianglegh.org .
Les niveaux de salaires annoncés dans nos offres de poste sont ainsi fixés dans le cadre de la grille de salaire et ne sont pas ouverts à la négociation.

Plus d'information sur www.trianglegh.org , rubrique "Recrutement".

TGH se réserve le droit de mettre fin au processus de recrutement dès qu’un candidat est positionné

Présentation de TGH

"Acteur d'une solidarité durable et partagée"

Créée en 1994, TGH, association française de solidarité internationale basée à Lyon, élabore et met en œuvre des programmes d'urgence, de réhabilitation et de développement dans les domaines de l'eau, de l'hygiène et de l'assainissement, du génie civil, de la sécurité alimentaire et du développement rural, du socio-éducatif et du psychosocial. TGH travaille actuellement dans 11 pays d’Afrique, d’Asie et du Moyen-Orient.


La population centrafricaine est estimée à 6,1 millions de personnes selon les projections faites en 2022 par l’Institut Centrafricain des Statistiques et des Etudes Economiques et Sociales (ICASEES), soit une augmentation de 56% depuis le dernier recensement de 2003. L’espérance moyenne de vie est de 54 ans contre une moyenne de 58 ans pour l’ensemble des pays voisins. Pour une population majoritairement jeune dont 78% a moins de 35 ans et 50 % moins de 18 ans, la densité de la population en RCA est passée de 6,2 à 9,7 habitants par km² en 20 ans, avec un taux d’urbanisation de 42,5%.4 Les villes de Bambari, Bangui, Berberati, Bimbo, Paoua et Mbaïki cumulent 39,4% de l’ensemble de la population et sont parmi les localités les plus peuplées.

Les taux de mortalité infantile et maternelle en RCA restent préoccupants à l’échelle mondiale. Il est le cinquième plus élevé au monde avec 99 décès pour 1 000 naissances et le taux de mortalité maternelle est le quatrième plus élevé au monde avec 835 décès pour 100 000 naissances vivantes.

Selon l'Indice de développement humain (IDH) du Programme des Nations Unies pour le développement (PNUD), la RCA, classée au 188ème rang sur 191 pays et territoires, est l’un des pays les plus pauvres au monde. Après deux années consécutives de marasme économique (2020 et 2021), l'activité économique en RCA a connu un arrêt complet en 2022 dû aux conséquences de la guerre en Ukraine, qui se prolonge en 2023, la pénurie de carburant sur le marché, et les inondations de 2022 et 2023. En conséquence, la croissance du produit intérieur brut (PIB) réel est tombée à 0% en 2022. Selon les projections de la Banque Mondiale, le niveau de pauvreté reste inquiétant, 68,8% de la population vivant avec moins de 2,15 dollars par jour sur la période projetée 2023-2025
La forte dépendance à l’agriculture de subsistance, la foresterie et les industries extractives, qui restent sous développées, font de la RCA l'un des pays les moins diversifiés du monde sur le plan économique. Cette fragilité aggravée par les multiples chocs (violences, catastrophes naturelles, engins explosifs) que traverse le pays sur la dernière décennie, se traduit par des faibles opportunités socio-économiques pour sa population à majorité jeune et une forte dépendance à l’égard d’exportations de matières premières dérivées du sous-sol et de l’environnement (exploitation du bois) : autant de facteurs empêchant le pays de créer les amortisseurs nécessaires à l’atténuation des chocs extérieurs.

En général, la situation humanitaire s’est sensiblement améliorée en RCA, mais une bonne partie de la population reste exposée aux chocs et à leurs conséquences.

Selon l’Aperçu des Besoins Humanitaires 2024 publié par OCHA, au niveau national 1,9 millions de personnes ont ainsi un besoin humanitaire relevant de la protection générale, sachant que de nombreuses violations et incidents de protection affectant différents groupes de populations persistent à travers le pays (23 815 incidents documentés entre janvier-août 2023, contre 9 784 entre janvier-août 2022), et que de nombreuses zones à potentialité économique continuent de faire l’objet de conflits au détriment du bien-être et des droits des populations, engendrant des déplacements forcés et autres problématiques de protection comme celles liées au logement, à la terre et aux biens (LTB).

Une nouvelle constitution a été adoptée après le référendum du 30 juillet 2023, avec 95,3% de votes en faveur de la réforme constitutionnelle, pour 1,7 millions d’électeurs ayant participé au processus. Les principaux changements incluent notamment la création d’un poste de vice-président et la levée des dispositions limitant la durée du mandat présidentiel qui désormais est de sept ans, sans mention de la limite du nombre de mandats.

Malgré la prévalence hebdomadaire de clashs armés dans toutes les provinces du pays impliquant des groupes armés et les Forces Armées Centrafricaines, la situation sécuritaire globale est considérée comme en voie de stabilisation. Bien que très controversée sur le plan diplomatique et éthique, la présence de milices privées russes a contribué à pacifier certaines zones. Celle-ci est toutefois aujourd’hui beaucoup plus discrète. Elle reste visible sur le contrôle de territoires miniers et sur l’appui technique aux forces de l’ordre en milieu urbain notamment autour de Bangui.

A noter aussi que le mandat de la MINUSCA a été prorogé en novembre 2023 jusqu’en novembre 2024.

Faits marquants du contexte d’intervention

Entre avril et octobre 2023, plus de 20 000 personnes, majoritairement des femmes et des enfants, dont 15 476 réfugiés et 4 701 rapatriés centrafricains, fuyant la guerre au Soudan, ont trouvé refuge en RCA dans les préfectures de Vakaga (Birao et Am-Dafock), Bamingui-Bangoran (Ndele 656 personnes), et celle de la Haute Kotto (Sam-Ouandja 2 408 personnes). Étant donné que le Soudan approvisionne plusieurs villes dans le nord-est de la RCA, notamment Birao et Ndelé, la guerre à travers l'insécurité qu'elle a engendrée le long de la frontière ont fortement perturbé la circulation entre le Soudan et la RCA. Cela a entraîné une forte augmentation du prix des produits de première nécessité. Dans la région nord-est de la RCA où 97% des marchandises proviennent habituellement du Soudan, l'interruption du commerce transfrontalier a entraîné une augmentation de 20% sur le coût du panier de consommation minimum à Birao, les produits essentiels comme le sucre, l'huile, le sel, le savon et la farine étant devenus rares et parfois indisponibles sur les marchés locaux. Cette situation aggrave la vulnérabilité des 40% de la population qui souffre déjà d'insécurité alimentaire aiguë dans la région.

A Birao, où TGH est intervenu en amont dans l’installation du site de réfugiés soudanais d’Am-Dafok pouis Korsi (Birao) en EHA et Protection, on constate un afflux récent de nouveaux arrivants en janvier 2024. La population du site confié à la responsabilité du CNR est de 3 000 personnes (19% de 0-4 ans, 21% de 5-11 ans). La tendance est à la hausse : + 1 000 personnes enregistrées entre mi-octobre 2023 et début janvier 2024.

Les risques de tensions entre réfugiés et communauté hôte (accès à l’eau, déboisement, déséquilibre entre accès à l’aide humanitaire et niveau de vie local) sont palpables.

Un lien permanent de plus de 15 ans avec les communautés de Birao et des axes de communication et les autorités traditionnelles, associé à des réalisations concrètes et visibles, permettent aux équipes de TGH de bénéficier d’une forte notoriété sur tout le territoire et d’un très bon niveau d’acceptation.

Présentation de la mission

TGH a débuté son action en RCA en 2007 pour soutenir les populations vulnérables de la préfecture de la Vakaga. Aujourd’hui, l’association intervient en Vakaga (à Birao et sur les axes) dans les secteurs de la Sécurité Alimentaire et Moyens d’Existence, de l’Eau, Hygiène, Assainissement et de l’Education/Renforcement de Capacités - à travers un projet multisectoriel financé par l’AFD en consortium avec PUI qui elle, intervient en Bamingui-Bongoran. A ce jour, TGH reste encore l’une des seules organisations humanitaires internationales présentes de manière continue dans cette région marginalisée et excentrée. Récemment, afin de répondre à l’afflux de réfugiés lié à la crise soudanaise, TGH a obtenu de nouveau financement d’UNICEF pour une réponse d’urgente multisectorielle en EHA, Protection de l’enfance et Education sur Birao et sur les axes, pour répondre – entre autres – au besoin des populations déplacées venant du Soudan (depuis avril 2023).

Parallèlement, l’association met en œuvre un projet multi-annuel dans le secteur de la formation professionnelle en consortium avec Mercy Corps financé par l’AFD à Bangui, Mbaïki et dans région ouest du pays (Carnot, Berberati, etc.). De plus, à Bangui, TGH intervient depuis 2014 auprès des enfants des rues, et depuis 2020 auprès des mineurs incarcérés pour garantir aux enfants marginalisés un accès à des services socio-éducatifs et médicaux de base, et participe au processus de réunification familiale et de placement en famille d’accueil. L’intervention de TGH vise à améliorer la protection et la réinsertion des enfants en situation de rue, et mineurs incarcérés/libérés ; elle est financée par le CDCS.

TGH a longtemps été présente dans la Ouaka, mais faute de financement, la base de Bambari a été fermé en juin 2022.
La mission est financée à hauteur d’environ 3,5 millions d’euros. L’équipe actuelle est composée de 20 expatriés et d’environ 130 personnels nationaux, répartis sur les différentes bases opérationnelles (Bangui et Birao).


Le ou la Coordinateur·trice Finance / RH / Admin assure le bon fonctionnement de l’administration et la bonne gestion des fonds et des ressources humaines de la mission. Il/elle est garant·e du respect des règles et procédures.

Le ou la Coordinateur·trice Finance / RH / Admin travaille sous la responsabilité du Directeur Pays en collaboration avec le Chargé de gestion basé au siège. Il/elle assure un lien fonctionnel étroit avec le Responsable Administratif basé à Birao lui-même sous la supervision directe du Coordinateur Terrain et il/elle encadre directement le Responsable Administratif capitale basé à Bangui.

Il/elle assume les responsabilités principales suivantes :


  • Garantir la bonne utilisation des fonds, en conformité avec les contrats de financement, dans le respect des procédures internes ainsi que des règles des bailleurs de fonds ;
  • Gérer l'ensemble des budgets de la mission et être en lien avec le siège pour les stratégies financières;
  • Coordonner et finaliser l’élaboration des nouveaux budgets liés aux propositions de projets ;
  • Tenir à jour le tableau d’affectation de la mission ;
  • Etablir les rapports financiers ;
  • Assurer le suivi des contrats bailleurs et des versements ;
  • Superviser les dépenses et la tenue de toutes les caisses et comptes bancaires de la mission ;
  • Superviser le paiement des taxes locales et assurer une veille fiscale ;
  • Consolider et vérifier les comptabilités de la mission ;
  • Gérer l’ensemble de la trésorerie de la mission et préparer les demandes d’approvisionnement ;
  • Fournir des outils de gestion financière aux chefs de projet, au Directeur Pays, à la logistique et aux administrateurs et au siège et s’assurer de leur mise à jour régulière ;
  • Assurer un accompagnement mensuel des chefs de projets et du département logistique sur les questions liées au suivi budgétaire ;
  • En lien avec le département Conformité, accompagner les audits liés aux projets.


  • S’assurer que TGH travaille en conformité avec les lois centrafricaines en vigueur ;
  • En lien avec le département conformité, s'assurer du bon archivage des pièces comptables et administratives ;
  • Tenir à jour un tableau récapitulatif de tous les contrats (locations, achats, etc.), et assurer leur bon archivage ;
  • Former les équipes administratives à la bonne application de l’ensemble des procédures internes ;
  • Briefer chaque nouvel expatrié sur l’organisation, son fonctionnement et ses procédures administratives, et faire des rappels lorsque nécessaire ;
  • S’assurer du suivi des dossiers juridiques, en lien avec le conseiller juridique de TGH et le Directeur Pays.


  • S’assurer que la politique RH définie par TGH et l’ensemble des procédures liées aux ressources humaines sont connues et respectées par l’équipe nationale et expatriée, proposer des adaptations si nécessaire ;
  • S'assurer du respect du droit du travail centrafricain et proposer des adaptations si nécessaire ;
  • Maintenir de bonnes relations avec l’inspection du travail et la médecine du travail ;
  • Coordonner l’ensemble des recrutements effectués sur la mission ;
  • Centraliser les données liées à la gestion du personnel, superviser le suivi des contrats et le paiement des salaires ;
  • Capitaliser les besoins en formation et participer à la mise en place de formation pour les employés nationaux ;
  • Soutenir techniquement les chefs de projets et coordinateurs dans la gestion de leurs équipes (suivi des évaluations individuelles, appui sur les procédures disciplinaires…).


  • Participer aux réunions de coordination interne à la mission et proposer des adaptations pertinentes vis-à-vis du fonctionnement général de la mission ;
  • Initier et animer des réunions mensuelles inter-bases afin d’assurer le partage d’information sur les procédures, les informations administratives, financières ou liées aux ressources humaines sur la mission ;
  • Travailler en coordination étroite avec le département logistique et programmes ;
  • Contribuer à l’élaboration de la stratégie annuelle et/ou pluriannuelle de la mission.


  • Entretenir et développer de bonnes relations de travail ainsi qu’une bonne visibilité de l’association auprès des autorités civiles, bailleurs et des autres acteurs humanitaires ;
  • Représenter l’association dans les réunions de coordination admin inter-ONG.


  • Assurer une bonne coordination et une bonne communication interne, notamment par la tenue de réunions régulières;
  • Informer le Directeur Pays et le cas échéant le siège, des enjeux et problématiques soulevés par son équipe ;
  • Assurer la résolution des conflits au sein de l’équipe et tenir informé le Directeur Pays.

Ces responsabilités pourront être revues en fonction des évolutions des besoins sur le terrain.

Conditions de sécurité, de travail, et de vie

Le contexte sécuritaire instable et volatile impose le respect de règles de sécurité parfois contraignantes (couvre-feu de 23h à 6h actuellement à Bangui). Les déplacements sur le terrain sont possibles mais nécessitent une analyse préalable et les déplacements en ville ne sont en général pas sujets à restriction, sauf tension en ville. TGH est un acteur humanitaire connu et apprécié dans les deux zones d’intervention.
A Bangui, les expatriés disposent de chambres individuelles dans deux maisons partagées situées sur deux concessions. Une des maisons est située dans la même concession que le bureau. Une connexion wifi satisfaisante est disponible sur les deux concessions. Il est possible et autorisé à Bangui de se rendre dans de nombreux restaurants, bars, complexes sportifs, supermarchés, magasins, marchés…


  • Expérience d'au moins trois ans sur un poste d'administrateur en ONG indispensable ;
  • Expérience sur un poste de coordinateur admin/fin/RH en ONG souhaitée ;
  • Bonne connaissance du milieu humanitaire (ONG, OI, UE…) ;
  • Maîtrise des outils informatiques (dont Excel et Word), connaissance de SAGA ;
  • Bonnes capacités rédactionnelles en français ;
  • Capacité et motivation pour vivre et travailler en équipe ;
  • Capacité à mettre en place et à dispenser des formations ;
  • Capacité à accepter un niveau de confort basique ;
  • Capacité à vivre et travailler dans un contexte sécuritaire instable ;
  • Sens de la diplomatie.

How to apply

Rendez-vous sur notre site internet pour candidater : https://www.trianglegh.org/ActionHumanitaire/FR/RH/OffresEmploi/PP-RCA-Coordinateurtrice-Fin-RH-Admin-03-2024.html

Field Coordinator - Ukraine

Country: Ukraine
Organization: Triangle Génération Humanitaire
Closing date: 27 Apr 2024


Location: Ukraine-Vinnytsia/Cherkasy/Dnipro

Duration: 09 months, from April 2024

Conditions: Salaried contract, gross monthly salary €2,650 to €3,150 depending on experience, monthly per diem €600, medical coverage of 100% + repatriation insurance + provident fund, accommodation, international and local transportation as part of the mission. No family duty station.

TGH has chosen a deliberately simple and transparent remuneration policy, accessible on our website www.trianglegh.org. The salary levels advertised in our job offers are set within the framework of the salary scale and are not open to negotiation.

TGH background

"Actor in a sustainable and shared solidarity"

Founded in 1994, TGH is a French international solidarity organization based in Lyon. The association designs and implements emergency, rehabilitation and development programs in the following sectors: water, hygiene and sanitation, civil engineering, food security and rural development, socio-educational and psychosocial. TGH is currently operating in 11 countries in Africa, Asia, Europe and the Middle East.


On February 24, the Russian president announced a special military operation to demilitarize Ukraine. Minutes later, missiles/air raids hit all of Ukraine, including Kiev, shortly followed by a massive ground invasion from several directions, in a major escalation of the 2014 conflict and resulting in the siege of several major strategic Ukrainian cities such as Chernihiv, Kharkiv, Kherson, Kyiv, Mariupol, and Sumy. The Ukrainian president has since enacted martial law resulting in the general mobilization and management of the country by the military.

In September 2022, UAF (Ukrainian Armed Forces) pushed back the aggressor in the east and south of the country with the recapture of some strategical cities. Meanwhile, RF forces continued their offensive with strikes across the country. In response, on September 21st, Vladimir Putin announced the partial mobilization of 300,000 people to reinforce the invasion of Ukraine. Then, from 23 to 27 September 2022, the authorities of the separatist republics of Donetsk and Lugansk, as well as the administrative authorities installed by Russia in Kherson and Zaporizhia oblasts, hold annexation referendums in the occupied territories of Ukraine that are widely regarded outside Russia as sham referendums. The results, although disputed by the international community, are all over 95% in favor of annexation. On 30 September, Vladimir Putin signed the annexation decree.

Today, the ground fighting remains very intense, taking on a "trench warfare" character and is mainly concentrated in the eastern and southern regions.

From a humanitarian perspective, the most pressing needs identified include:

  • cash and access to financial support
  • psychosocial support for a weakened mental health and limit the risk of irreversible
  • medicines and medical supplies
  • Shelter / NFI
  • Winterization

Presentation of the mission

TGH is present in Ukraine since 2015. Established in Kramatorsk (East), TGH’s interventions were targeting the most vulnerable populations along the contact line employing traditional and innovative modalities as follows:

• Provision of electronic vouchers (e-vouchers for food, hygiene or dual-purpose e-vouchers), an innovative modality with application of mobile phones and web-money-based interface

• Cash for Work (rehabilitation or social work)


• Documentation support (restoration or obtaining of official/legal documents)

• Provision of basic humanitarian assistance: food and hygiene kits, in Donestk, NGCA

Following February 24th, 2022, TGH mobilized its teams on the ground and at headquarter to develop an emergency response to meet the most immediate needs of the affected populations. To this end, TGH has quickly started various assistance program to cover the basic needs and respond to the psychological distress of the affected households and individuals. To implement these activities in the most affected areas of Ukraine, TGH has developed and reinforced the collaboration with local partners that are essential and take a crucial place in the global response. Currently, TGH is implementing 2 different projects: 1 funded by BHA in consortium with 4 other French INGO, 1 funded by CDCS, while others are under discussion, Annual budget about € 8 Million.

Initially operational in Ukraine from Kramatorsk, the team has been relocated to Lviv where the coordination TGH’s office is. In 2022, TGH opened 4 sub-offices, in Lviv, Vinnitsya, Cherkasy and Dnipro in order to be closer to the beneficiaries and ensure a proper implementation and follow up. Since August 2023 TGH has also a flat for visitors in Kiev.

TGH is a member of the following Clusters and Working groups: Protection, Age and Disability Working Group (ADWG), Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Working Group (MHPSS WG), Food Security and Livelihoods Cluster (FSLC), Agriculture Working Group, Cash-based transfers Working Group (CBTWG) and WASH cluster.

General objectives of the mission

The Field Coordinator, under the hierarchical responsibility of the Country Director and in close collaboration with the Deputies Country Directors for Programs and Support, will be responsible for leading the overall planning, implementation and management of the program activities implemented in his/her geographical area as well as ensure good coordination with local authorities and NGOs in operational and security terms and the general functioning of TGH’s office in the area.

S/he manages the team under her/his supervision and contributes to the development of TGH activities.

The main responsibilities include:

Coordination and follow-up of projects

  • Ensure projects implementation and follow-up.
  • Coordinate with the support and program teams to ensure overall management of TGH projects for effective implementation of all program activities.
  • Ensure proper budgets follow-up and forecast by meeting with program and support teams.
  • Lead the weekly coordination meetings at base level.
  • Follow up on the delivery of materials in conjunction with the logistics team.
  • Ensure compliance with internal and donor procedures in the implementation (log processes…), monitoring (coordination between MEAL team on the base and MEAL coordination team) and reporting of activities (with the support of Grants Management team).
  • Ensure a link and good coordination between the programs and all supports departments.
  • Coordinate with the Head of Safety & Security on security plans and protocols on a regular basis and ensure they are always up to date.
  • Guarantee adequate communication and coordination between technical coordination staff (Deputy Field Coordinator for Program (D.FC.P) and Deputy Field Coordinator for Support (D.FC.S)) and country office programs (HoPs).
  • Contribute to external and internal reporting, based on TGH tools, and donor reporting schedule.

Implementation and development of intervention strategy

  • Participate in the definition of the intervention strategy in the area of operation and update as necessary.
  • Organise and carry out field assessments.
  • Participate in proposal writing and fund raising.
  • Participate in the review of operations plan to support the program activities and the scale-up programming according to the approved Response strategy.


  • Analyse the political, security and socio-economical context, and ensure timely and accurate internal communication.
  • If needed according to the developments of the security context, and in link with the Safety & Security Coordinator and Country director, adapt the security level, and security rules.
  • Keep in constant relation with local authorities and various military actors present in the area of intervention, as well as security / NGO forums.
  • Regularly participate in updating the security management tools, in collaboration with the
    Security & Safety Advisor and disseminate the necessary rules to all the area personnel.
  • Guarantee with the Country Director a level and modalities of operation adapted to the context.
  • Manage, in relation with the Country director and the Security & Safety Coordinator, any security incident and emergency situations, write-up incident reports.
  • Participate in all security related meetings with local or international, governmental, military and NGO actors.

Log / Admin

  • Line management for project staff and support functions in his/her geographical area.
  • Ensure optimal use of resources within the allocated project budgets according to donor’ and internal procedures.
  • Ensure that internal procedures are understood by all staff and applied.
  • Ensure with administrative and logistics teams of the smooth running of the office(s), in their absence,
  • ensure a proper level of log/admin support to projects with the support of the coordination team.
  • Ensure the mutualisation of means and adequate spread of support costs among all projects.
  • Participate in developing budget for the new proposals.
  • Participate in designing an adequate HR support of his/her team according to the needs.

Coordination and representation

  • Maintain and develop good working relations with all local authorities, both civil and military and other humanitarian actors.
  • Represent the organisation as necessary in coordination/cluster meetings.
  • Ensure adequate coordination with NGOs in the same areas of operation.
  • Actively develop and maintain effective working relationships with key stakeholders at the local level.
  • Establish and maintain networks with UN, INGOs, and local partners to promote strategic partnerships.
  • Ensures TGH has properly represented at coordination meetings/forums in Ukraine and all field location, and that information from these forums is shared with relevant stakeholders.

Team Management

  • Ensure internal communication within the team through regular team meetings.
  • Carry out necessary appraisals of the staff under his/her supervision.
  • Ensure the respect of internal HR regulations.
  • Ensure the ongoing capacity building of operations team through support to direct and technical supervisors in ensuring staff performance evaluations and individual development plans.
  • Support field staff in the implementation of personnel policies including coaching, performance evaluation, staff development, and disciplinary measures.

Security, working and living conditions

Despite the fluctuating security situation in Ukraine, the environment in Lviv, Vinnytsia and Cherkassy is relatively calm and travel on foot or by taxi is permitted in the city centre. It is possible to go out in bars, restaurants but there is a curfew in place from 11pm to 6am according to the martial law in force in the country. TGH team works in spacious and well-equipped offices in the city centres, relatively close to the guesthouse where the expatriate are accommodated. Access to good internet connection in the offices and GH.


  • Strengthened by minimum 5 years of experience in the field with international NGOs in project coordination;
  • Minimum 1 year experience in a security management role in a complex conflict environment;
  • Experience in international team management;
  • Experience in donor relations, with such as CDCS, BHA, ECHO…;
  • Excellent skills in project cycle management;
  • Experience in post conflict recovery is an asset;
  • Skills in accountancy / financial management/ logistics;
  • Proficiency in English is mandatory, Ukrainian or Russian is an asset;
  • Computer skills: good mastery of MS Office Pack(Including Excel and Word);
  • Excellent interpersonal and diplomatic skills;
  • Good organizational and planning skills;
  • Leadership and ability to make decisions;
  • Adaptation capacities to volatile context and intercultural environment;
  • Trustworthiness and sense of responsibility;
  • Organizational skills, reactivity, ability to be thorough and to adapt.

How to apply

Please apply directly on TGH website: https://www.trianglegh.org/ActionHumanitaire/FR/RH/OffresEmploi/PP-Ukraine-Vinnytsia-JD-Field-Coordinator-11-2023.html

Field Coordinator Vinnytsia or Cherkasy - Ukraine

Country: Ukraine
Organization: Triangle Génération Humanitaire
Closing date: 30 Apr 2024

Employment terms

Location: Ukraine- Vinnytsia or Cherkasy

Duration:06 months, from April 2024

Conditions: Salaried contract, gross monthly salary €2,650 to €3,150 depending on experience, monthly per diem €600, medical coverage of 100% + repatriation insurance + provident fund, accommodation, international and local transportation as part of the mission. No family duty station.

TGH has chosen a deliberately simple and transparent remuneration policy, accessible on our website www.trianglegh.org. The salary levels advertised in our job offers are set within the framework of the salary scale and are not open to negotiation.

TGH background

"Actor in a sustainable and shared solidarity"

Founded in 1994, TGH is a French international solidarity organization based in Lyon. The association designs and implements emergency, rehabilitation and development programs in the following sectors: water, hygiene and sanitation, civil engineering, food security and rural development, socio-educational and psychosocial. TGH is currently operating in 11 countries in Africa, Asia, Europe and the Middle East.


On February 24, the Russian president announced a special military operation to demilitarize Ukraine. Minutes later, missiles/air raids hit all of Ukraine, including Kiev, shortly followed by a massive ground invasion from several directions, in a major escalation of the 2014 conflict and resulting in the siege of several major strategic Ukrainian cities such as Chernihiv, Kharkiv, Kherson, Kyiv, Mariupol, and Sumy. The Ukrainian president has since enacted martial law resulting in the general mobilization and management of the country by the military.

In September 2022, UAF (Ukrainian Armed Forces) pushed back the aggressor in the east and south of the country with the recapture of some strategical cities. Meanwhile, RF forces continued their offensive with strikes across the country. In response, on September 21st, Vladimir Putin announced the partial mobilization of 300,000 people to reinforce the invasion of Ukraine. Then, from 23 to 27 September 2022, the authorities of the separatist republics of Donetsk and Lugansk, as well as the administrative authorities installed by Russia in Kherson and Zaporizhia oblasts, hold annexation referendums in the occupied territories of Ukraine that are widely regarded outside Russia as sham referendums. The results, although disputed by the international community, are all over 95% in favor of annexation. On 30 September, Vladimir Putin signed the annexation decree.

Today, the ground fighting remains very intense, taking on a "trench warfare" character and is mainly concentrated in the eastern and southern regions.

From a humanitarian perspective, the most pressing needs identified include:

  • cash and access to financial support
  • psychosocial support for a weakened mental health and limit the risk of irreversible
  • medicines and medical supplies
  • Shelter / NFI
  • Winterization

Presentation of the mission

TGH is present in Ukraine since 2015. Established in Kramatorsk (East), TGH’s interventions were targeting the most vulnerable populations along the contact line employing traditional and innovative modalities as follows:

• Provision of electronic vouchers (e-vouchers for food, hygiene or dual-purpose e-vouchers), an innovative modality with application of mobile phones and web-money-based interface

• Cash for Work (rehabilitation or social work)


• Documentation support (restoration or obtaining of official/legal documents)

• Provision of basic humanitarian assistance: food and hygiene kits, in Donestk, NGCA

Following February 24th, 2022, TGH mobilized its teams on the ground and at headquarter to develop an emergency response to meet the most immediate needs of the affected populations. To this end, TGH has quickly started various assistance program to cover the basic needs and respond to the psychological distress of the affected households and individuals. To implement these activities in the most affected areas of Ukraine, TGH has developed and reinforced the collaboration with local partners that are essential and take a crucial place in the global response. Currently, TGH is implementing 2 different projects: 1 funded by BHA in consortium with 4 other French INGO, 1 funded by CDCS, while others are under discussion, Annual budget about € 8 Million.

Initially operational in Ukraine from Kramatorsk, the team has been relocated to Lviv where the coordination TGH’s office is. In 2022, TGH opened 4 sub-offices, in Lviv, Vinnitsya, Cherkasy and Dnipro in order to be closer to the beneficiaries and ensure a proper implementation and follow up. Since August 2023 TGH has also a flat for visitors in Kiev.

TGH is a member of the following Clusters and Working groups: Protection, Age and Disability Working Group (ADWG), Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Working Group (MHPSS WG), Food Security and Livelihoods Cluster (FSLC), Agriculture Working Group, Cash-based transfers Working Group (CBTWG) and WASH cluster.

General objectives of the mission

The Field Coordinator, under the hierarchical responsibility of the Country Director will be responsible for leading the overall planning, implementation and management of the program activities implemented in his/her geographical area as well as ensure good coordination with local authorities and NGOs in operational and security terms and the general functioning of TGH’s office in the area.

S/he manages the team under her/his supervision and contributes to the development of TGH activities.The main responsibilities include:

Coordination and follow-up of projects

  • Ensure projects implementation and follow-up.
  • Coordinate with the support and program teams to ensure overall management of TGH projects for effective implementation of all program activities.
  • Ensure proper budgets follow-up and forecast by meeting with program and support teams.
  • Lead the weekly coordination meetings at base level.
  • Follow up on the delivery of materials in conjunction with the logistics team.
  • Ensure compliance with internal and donor procedures in the implementation (log processes…), monitoring (coordination between MEAL team on the base and MEAL coordination team) and reporting of activities (with the support of Grants Management team).
  • Ensure a link and good coordination between the programs and all supports departments.
  • Coordinate with the Head of Safety & Security on security plans and protocols on a regular basis and ensure they are always up to date.
  • Guarantee adequate communication and coordination between technical coordination staff (Deputy Field Coordinator for Program (D.FC.P) and Deputy Field Coordinator for Support (D.FC.S)) and country office programs (HoPs).
  • Contribute to external and internal reporting, based on TGH tools, and donor reporting schedule.

Implementation and development of intervention strategy

  • Participate in the definition of the intervention strategy in the area of operation and update as necessary.
  • Organise and carry out field assessments.
  • Participate in proposal writing and fund raising.
  • Participate in the review of operations plan to support the program activities and the scale-up programming according to the approved Response strategy.


  • Analyse the political, security and socio-economical context, and ensure timely and accurate internal communication.
  • If needed according to the developments of the security context, and in link with the Safety & Security Coordinator and Country director, adapt the security level, and security rules.
  • Keep in constant relation with local authorities and various military actors present in the area of intervention, as well as security / NGO forums.
  • Regularly participate in updating the security management tools, in collaboration with the
    Security & Safety Advisor and disseminate the necessary rules to all the area personnel.
  • Guarantee with the Country Director a level and modalities of operation adapted to the context.
  • Manage, in relation with the Country director and the Security & Safety Coordinator, any security incident and emergency situations, write-up incident reports.
  • Participate in all security related meetings with local or international, governmental, military and NGO actors.

Log / Admin

  • Line management for project staff and support functions in his/her geographical area.
  • Ensure optimal use of resources within the allocated project budgets according to donor’ and internal procedures.
  • Ensure that internal procedures are understood by all staff and applied.
  • Ensure with administrative and logistics teams of the smooth running of the office(s), in their absence,
  • ensure a proper level of log/admin support to projects with the support of the coordination team.
  • Ensure the mutualisation of means and adequate spread of support costs among all projects.
  • Participate in developing budget for the new proposals.
  • Participate in designing an adequate HR support of his/her team according to the needs.

Coordination and representation

  • Maintain and develop good working relations with all local authorities, both civil and military and other humanitarian actors.
  • Represent the organisation as necessary in coordination/cluster meetings.
  • Ensure adequate coordination with NGOs in the same areas of operation.
  • Actively develop and maintain effective working relationships with key stakeholders at the local level.
  • Establish and maintain networks with UN, INGOs, and local partners to promote strategic partnerships.
  • Ensures TGH has properly represented at coordination meetings/forums in Ukraine and all field location, and that information from these forums is shared with relevant stakeholders.

Team Management

  • Ensure internal communication within the team through regular team meetings.
  • Carry out necessary appraisals of the staff under his/her supervision.
  • Ensure the respect of internal HR regulations.
  • Ensure the ongoing capacity building of operations team through support to direct and technical supervisors in ensuring staff performance evaluations and individual development plans.
  • Support field staff in the implementation of personnel policies including coaching, performance evaluation, staff development, and disciplinary measures.

Security, working and living conditions

Despite the fluctuating security situation in Ukraine, the environment in Lviv, Vinnytsia and Cherkasy is relatively calm and travel on foot or by taxi is permitted in the city centre. It is possible to go out in bars, restaurants but there is a curfew in place from 11pm to 6am according to the martial law in force in the country. TGH team works in spacious and well-equipped offices in the city centres, relatively close to the guesthouse where the expatriate are accommodated. Access to good internet connection in the offices and GH.


  • Strengthened by minimum 5 years of experience in the field with international NGOs in project coordination;
  • Minimum 1 year experience in a security management role in a complex conflict environment;
  • Experience in international team management;
  • Experience in donor relations, with such as CDCS, BHA, ECHO…;
  • Excellent skills in project cycle management;
  • Experience in post conflict recovery is an asset;
  • Skills in accountancy / financial management/ logistics;
  • Proficiency in English is mandatory, Ukrainian or Russian is an asset;
  • Computer skills: good mastery of MS Office Pack(Including Excel and Word);
  • Excellent interpersonal and diplomatic skills;
  • Good organizational and planning skills;
  • Leadership and ability to make decisions;
  • Adaptation capacities to volatile context and intercultural environment;
  • Trustworthiness and sense of responsibility;
  • Organizational skills, reactivity, ability to be thorough and to adapt.

How to apply

Please apply directly on TGH website: https://www.trianglegh.org/ActionHumanitaire/FR/RH/OffresEmploi/PP-Ukraine-Vinnytsia-Cherkasy-JD-Fiel-Coordinator-04-2024.html

Field Coordinator Dnipro - Ukraine

Country: Ukraine
Organization: Triangle Génération Humanitaire
Closing date: 30 Apr 2024

Employment terms

Location: Ukraine-Dnipro

Duration:06 months, from April 2024

Conditions: Salaried contract, gross monthly salary €2,650 to €3,150 depending on experience, monthly per diem €600, medical coverage of 100% + repatriation insurance + provident fund, accommodation, international and local transportation as part of the mission. No family duty station.

TGH has chosen a deliberately simple and transparent remuneration policy, accessible on our website www.trianglegh.org. The salary levels advertised in our job offers are set within the framework of the salary scale and are not open to negotiation.

TGH background

"Actor in a sustainable and shared solidarity"

Founded in 1994, TGH is a French association for international solidarity based in Lyon. It designs and implements emergency, rehabilitation and development programmes in the fields of water, hygiene and sanitation, food security and rural development, socio-education and psychosocial support. TGH is currently active in 10 countries in Africa, Europe and Asia.


On February 24, the Russian president announced a special military operation to demilitarize Ukraine. Minutes later, missiles/air raids hit all of Ukraine, including Kiev, shortly followed by a massive ground invasion from several directions, in a major escalation of the 2014 conflict and resulting in the siege of several major strategic Ukrainian cities such as Chernihiv, Kharkiv, Kherson, Kyiv, Mariupol, and Sumy. The Ukrainian president has since enacted martial law resulting in the general mobilization and management of the country by the military.

From September UAF (Ukrainian Armed Forces) pushed back the aggressor in the east and south of the country with the recapture of some strategical cities. Meanwhile, RF forces continued their offensive with strikes across Since October and the attack on the Kerch Bridge (08/10/2022) linking Crimea to Russia, reprisals have been unstoppable, mainly on public service infrastructures, notably power stations and water treatment and distribution stations in all the country's major cities.

October 2022 saw an increase in the number of IDPs (+280,000 / +4.5%) growing from 6.2 M to 6.5 M) in the country and a movement of 450,000 (+7%) of those already IDP, most of them to or from the East of the country.

According to the humanitarian community, all the people living in Ukraine have been directly or indirectly affected by the conflict. Emergency humanitarian needs are varied and cut across all sectors.

The most pressing needs identified include:

  • cash and access to financial support
  • psychosocial support for a weakened mental health and limit the risk of irreversible
  • medicines and medical supplies
  • Shelter / NFI
  • Winterization

Presentation of TGH mission

TGH is present in Ukraine since 2015. Established in Kramatorsk (East), TGH’s interventions were targeting the most vulnerable populations along the contact line employing traditional and innovative modalities as follows:

  • Provision of electronic vouchers (e-vouchers for food, hygiene or dual-purpose e-vouchers), an innovative modality with application of mobile phones and web-money-based interface
  • Cash for Work (rehabilitation or social work)
  • PSS
  • Documentation support (restoration or obtaining of official/legal documents)
  • Provision of basic humanitarian assistance: food and hygiene kits, in Donestk, NGCA

In 2020, TGH has completed its intervention with an emergency Covid-19 response funded by UNICEF supporting healthcare, educational and social institutions and households of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts (GCA) along the contact line with electronic vouchers for essential hygiene.

Following February 24th, TGH mobilized its teams on the ground and at headquarter to maintain its existing activities and develop an emergency response to meet the most immediate needs of the affected populations. To this end, TGH has quickly started various assistance program to cover the basic needs and respond to the psychological distress of the affected households and individuals. Up to this date, TGH is implementing 2 different projects, while others are under discussion. To implement these activities in the most affected areas of Ukraine, TGH has developed and reinforced the collaboration with local partners that are essential and take a crucial place in the global response.

Initially operational in Ukraine from Kramatorsk, the team has been relocated to Lviv where the main TGH office is. Given the enormous needs all around Ukraine and the different grants awarded, TGH opened 3 sub-office in the other main cities of Ukraine (Vinnytsia, Cherkasy and Dnipro) in order to be closer to the beneficiaries and ensure a proper implementation and follow up.

TGH is a member of the following Clusters and Working groups: Protection, Age and Disability Working Group (ADWG), Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Working Group (MHPSS WG), Food Security and Livelihoods Cluster (FSLC), Agriculture Working Group, Cash-based transfers Working Group (CBTWG) and WASH cluster.

General objectives of the mission

The Field Coordinator, under the hierarchical responsibility of the Country Director and in close collaboration with the Deputy Country Director for Program, will be responsible for leading the overall planning, implementation and management of the program activities implemented in his/her geographical area as well as ensure good coordination with local authorities in operational and security terms and the general functioning of TGH’s office(s) in the area.

S/he manages the team under her/his supervision and contributes to the development of TGH activities.

The main responsibilities include:

Coordination and follow-up of projects

  • Ensure projects implementation and follow-up.
  • Coordinate with the support and program teams to ensure overall management of TGH projects for effective implementation of all program activities.
  • Ensure proper budgets follow-up and forecast.
  • Lead the weekly coordination meetings at area level.
  • Follow up on the delivery of materials in conjunction with the logistics team.
  • Ensure compliance with internal and donor procedures in the implementation, monitoring and reporting of activities.
  • Ensure a link and good coordination between the programs and all supports departments.
  • Coordinate with Safety & Security Advisor on security plans and protocols on a regular basis and ensure they are always up to date.
  • Guarantee adequate communication and coordination between technical coordination staff and country office programs as well as program and operational issues.
  • Contribute external and internal reporting, based on TGH tools, and donor reporting schedule.

Implementation and development of intervention strategy

  • Participate in the definition of the intervention strategy in the area of operation and update as necessary.
  • Organise and carry out field assessments.
  • Participate in proposal writing and fund raising.
  • Participate in the review of operations plan to support the program activities and the scale-up programming according to the approved Response strategy.


  • Analyse the political, security and socio-economical context, and ensure timely and accurate internal communication.
  • Keep in constant relation with local authorities and various military actors present in the area of intervention, as well as security / NGO forums.
  • Regularly participate in updating the security management tools, in collaboration with the
    Security & Safety Advisor and disseminate the necessary rules to all the area personnel.
  • Guarantee with the Country Director a level and modalities of operation adapted to the context.
  • Manage, in relation with the Country director and the Security & Safety Advisor, any security incident and emergency situations, write-up incident reports.
  • Participate in all security related meetings with local or international, governmental, military and NGO actors.

Log / Admin

  • Line management for project staff and support functions in his/her geographical area.
  • Ensure optimal use of resources within the allocated project budgets according to donor’ and internal procedures.
  • Ensure that internal procedures are understood by all staff and applied.
  • Ensure with administrative and logistics teams of the smooth running of the office(s), in their absence, ensure a proper level of log/admin support to projects with the support of the coordination team.
  • Ensure the mutualisation of means and adequate spread of support costs among all projects.
  • Participate in developing budget for the new proposal.
  • Participate in designing an adequate HR support of his/her team according to the needs.

Coordination and representation

  • Maintain and develop good working relations with all local authorities, both civil and military and other humanitarian actors.
  • Represent the organisation as necessary in coordination/cluster meetings.
  • Ensure adequate coordination with NGOs in the same areas of operation.
  • Actively develop and maintain effective working relationships with key stakeholders at the local level.
  • Establish and maintain networks with UN, INGOs, and local partners to promote strategic partnerships.
  • Ensures TGH has properly represented at coordination meetings/forums in Ukraine and all field location, and that information from these forums is shared with relevant stakeholders.

Team Management

  • Ensure internal communication within the team through regular team meetings.
  • Carry out necessary appraisals of the staff under his/her supervision.
  • Ensure the respect of internal HR regulations.
  • Ensure the ongoing capacity building of operations team through support to direct and technical supervisors in ensuring staff performance evaluations and individual development plans.
  • Support field staff in the implementation of personnel policies including coaching, performance evaluation, staff development, and disciplinary measures.

Security, working and living conditions

In Dnipro, air alerts are daily, witnessed few explosions and strikes in the past period, and recently been facing unscheduled emergency electricity cuts.

However, travel on foot or by taxi is permitted in the city centre, and it is possible to go out to bars, restaurants... but there is a curfew in place from 11pm to 6am according to the martial law in force in the country. TGH team works in spacious and well-equipped offices with a shelter in the city centre, close to the Guest House where the expatriate are accommodated. Access to good internet connection in the offices and the guest house


  • Strengthened by minimum 5 years of experience in the field with international NGOs in project coordination;
  • Minimum 1 year experience in a security management role in a complex conflict environment;
  • Experience in international team management;
  • Experience in donor relations, with such as CDCS, BHA, ECHO…;
  • Excellent skills in project cycle management;
  • Experience in post conflict recovery is an asset;
  • Skills in accountancy / financial management/ logistics;
  • Proficiency in English, Ukrainian or Russian is an asset;
  • Computer skills (including Excel and Word);
  • Excellent interpersonal and diplomatic skills;
  • Good organizational skills;
  • Leadership skills and ability to make decisions;
  • Adaptation capacities to dynamic context;
  • Trustworthiness and sense of responsibility;
  • Organizational skills, reactivity, ability to be thorough and to adapt.

How to apply

Please apply directly on TGH website: https://www.trianglegh.org/ActionHumanitaire/FR/RH/OffresEmploi/PP-Ukraine-Dnipro-JD-Field-Coordinator-04-2024.html

Deputy Country Director for Program - Ukraine

Country: Ukraine
Organization: Triangle Génération Humanitaire
Closing date: 18 May 2024

Employment terms

Location: Lviv, Ukraine, with frequent travels within the countries

Duration: 12 months, from July 2024 (subject to funding)

Conditions: Salaried contract, gross monthly salary from €3,296 to €3,708, monthly perdiem €600, medical coverage of 100% + repatriation insurance + provident fund, accommodation, international and local transportation as part of the mission, break every 3 months. No family duty station.

TGH has chosen a deliberately simple and transparent remuneration policy, accessible on our website www.trianglegh.org. The salary levels advertised in our job offers are set within the framework of the salary scale and are not open to negotiation.

TGH background

"Actor in a sustainable and shared solidarity"

Founded in 1994, TGH is a French association for international solidarity based in Lyon. It designs and implements emergency, rehabilitation and development programmes in the fields of water, hygiene and sanitation, food security and rural development, socio-education and psychosocial support. TGH is currently active in 10 countries in Africa, Europe and Asia.


On February 24, the Russian president announced a special military operation to demilitarize Ukraine. Minutes later, missiles/air raids hit all of Ukraine, including Kiev, shortly followed by a massive ground invasion from several directions, in a major escalation of the 2014 conflict and resulting in the siege of several major strategic Ukrainian cities such as Chernihiv, Kharkiv, Kherson, Kyiv, Mariupol, and Sumy. The Ukrainian president has since enacted martial law resulting in the general mobilization and management of the country by the military.

From September UAF (Ukrainian Armed Forces) pushed back the aggressor in the east and south of the country with the recapture of some strategical cities. Meanwhile, RF forces continued their offensive with strikes across Since October and the attack on the Kerch Bridge (08/10/2022) linking Crimea to Russia, reprisals have been unstoppable, mainly on public service infrastructures, notably power stations and water treatment and distribution stations in all the country's major cities.

October 2022 saw an increase in the number of IDPs (+280,000 / +4.5%) growing from 6.2 M to 6.5 M) in the country and a movement of 450,000 (+7%) of those already IDP, most of them to or from the East of the country.According to the humanitarian community, all the people living in Ukraine have been directly or indirectly affected by the conflict. Emergency humanitarian needs are varied and cut across all sectors.

The most pressing needs identified include:

  • Cash and access to financial support
  • Psychosocial support for a weakened mental health and limit the risk of irreversible
  • Medicines and medical supplies
  • Shelter / NFI
  • Winterization

Presentation of the mission

TGH is present in Ukraine since 2015. Established in Kramatorsk (East), TGH’s interventions were targeting the most vulnerable populations along the contact line employing traditional and innovative modalities as follows:

  • Provision of electronic vouchers (e-vouchers for food, hygiene or dual-purpose e-vouchers), an innovative modality with application of mobile phones and web-money-based interface
  • Cash for Work (rehabilitation or social work)
  • PSS
  • Documentation support (restoration or obtaining of official/legal documents)
  • Provision of basic humanitarian assistance: food and hygiene kits, in Donestk, NGCA

In 2020, TGH has completed its intervention with an emergency Covid-19 response funded by UNICEF supporting healthcare, educational and social institutions and households of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts (GCA) along the contact line with electronic vouchers for essential hygiene.

Following February 24th, TGH mobilized its teams on the ground and at headquarter to maintain its existing activities and develop an emergency response to meet the immediate needs of the affected populations. To this end, TGH has quickly started various assistance program to cover the basic needs and respond to the psychological distress of the affected households and individuals. Up to this date, TGH is implementing 2 different projects, while others are under discussion. To implement these activities in the most affected areas of Ukraine, TGH has developed and reinforced the collaboration with local partners that are essential and take a crucial place in the global response.

Initially operational in Ukraine from Kramatorsk, the team has been relocated to Lviv where the main TGH office is. Given the enormous needs all around Ukraine and the different grants awarded, TGH opened 3 sub-office in the other main cities of Ukraine (Vinnytsia, Cherkasy and Dnipro) in order to be closer to the beneficiaries and ensure a proper implementation and follow up.

TGH is a member of the following Clusters and Working groups: Protection, Age and Disability Working Group (ADWG), Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Working Group (MHPSS WG), Food Security and Livelihoods Cluster (FSLC), Agriculture Working Group, Cash-based transfers Working Group (CBTWG) and WASH cluster.

Job description

Under the supervision of the Country Director, the Deputy Country Director for Program (DCD-P) is responsible for developing, planning and leading and ensure the quality of the programs implemented in Ukraine by TGH. The jobholder will ensure the successful development and implementation of projects within the portfolio while focusing on program strategy and development, program quality – including the crosscutting topics, donor compliance and donor/finance strategy, internal and external coordination/representation, partnership and structuration of Program Department & program staff management.

The DCD-P will also coordinate closely with Deputy Field Coordinators for Program to ensure smooth inter-departments collaboration. She/he will directly manage the following units: Grant, MEAL, Partnerships and technical Heads of program (Protection, Basic Needs).

More specifically, key responsibilities are:

Program Strategy and Program development

  • In close collaboration with the CD and Desk Unit (HQ) – but also in a collaborative manner (with the Program team, with the staff from the bases, with coordination staff), develop/implement the program strategy (sectors, type of activities, modalities, localities) based on assessed needs in the country, the TGH ambitions of development/deployments and the capacities of the mission;
  • Actively participate in the development of the TGH’s strategy;
  • Based on the Program strategy, develop a donor strategy that will finance it;
  • Once validated, present the strategies (Program, donor) to the mission team (Country office team, Field/area co, Program team, etc.);
  • Initiate and supervise need assessments in current and new areas for TGH – in coordination with technical HoPs and field/area coordinators and related to the strategies (Country development strategy, Program strategy);
  • Ensure that the proposals submitted are framed within the program and donor strategies;
  • Coordinate the development process for new proposals, Cost-Extension and No-cost extension.

Develop / supervise the Program Department within the mission and ensure smooth internal coordination with the other departments

  • Ensure that the current organigram is meeting the needs of the Program department and propose solutions/amendments when needed. Ensure appropriate staffing of Program team, and engagement of additional technical support when needed to deliver quality project design and delivery;
  • Ensure that the roles, responsibilities, communication tree and the reporting lines are clear and understood by everyone in the mission, and most of all within the Program Department. Ensure that all Program staff understand and are able to perform their role in delivering, quality programs;
  • Ensure smooth coordination and animate the Program department (organizing dedicated meetings);
  • Ensure that smooth coordination patterns are set up with the support departments (kick off meeting, proposal strategy, etc.). If there are existing tensions, propose solutions to allay the tensions;
  • Manage the Program Staff at Country office level (HoPs, MEAL, grants, partnerships, etc.) including setting up objectives, ensuring evaluation, coaching/training, supervision, etc.;
  • Ensure that Program staff proactively build and maintain technical, managerial and leadership skills, and providing coaching opportunities when needed;
  • Participate in Program team recruitment and HR management;
  • Proactively support TGH’s commitments.

Develop and support the MEAL and the Partnerships departments

  • Support the Head of MEAL Department in developing the MEAL department and MEAL strategy including with short/mid and long term objectives and priorities (including the MEAL HR set-up, needed tools and training, etc.);
  • Support the Head of Partnership Department in developing the Partnership strategy including with short/mid and long-term objectives and priorities (including the Partnership HR set-up, needed tools and training, etc.). Play a leading role in identifying nurturing and strengthening strategic partnerships with local and international civil society organizations, NGOs, governments etc., in advancing the country and global strategy to inspire our three breakthroughs;
  • Ensure partner capacities are assessed, due diligence completed, MoU’s are signed, project orientation is completed, partner monitoring plans is established, contact persons are identified and a smooth working relationship is established;
  • Ensure that the other program units/departments are smoothly collaborating with the MEAL and Partnership teams, both at Country office and base levels;
  • Participate in the recruitment of the MEAL and the Partnership teams.

Oversight and Management of Field Program Operations and ensure the quality of the program

  • Responsible for overall management of program implementation and delegated responsibility for field delivery of high-quality programming in line with TGH standards and the objectives of the country strategy;
  • Participates with the Deputy Country Director for Support, in conceptualizing and designing cost effective, innovative and high quality programs ;
  • Ensure programs are implemented in ways responsive to the communities, and affected population in line with TGH principles, values and strategic plan. This includes working with government and national NGO-partners to strengthen national capacity;
  • Ensure Deputy Field Coordinators for Program (DFC-P) and their respective teams actively contribute to the preparation of timely and high-quality progress reports, program reports, and donor reports;
  • Maintain oversight of multi-location projects, ensure the smooth and close intertwining of the multi-donors projects implemented in different TGH bases. With the support of the MEAL and Grant units, ensure that the information / data per donor-funded project is compiled and available ;
  • Ensure global implementation each project-funded donor (BHA, HF, CDCS, UNHCR, etc.) and ensure that there is a MFU (Monthly Follow-up for the activities) developed, updated and shared with HQ on monthly basis. Ensures all programs progress is in accordance to grant guidelines;
  • Ensure the global budget follow-up per project, raise alert in case of over or underspend and propose solutions (cost-reallocation, etc.). Support Field Coordinators and PMs ensuring projects expenditure are in line with work plans and commitments to donors. Participate in the monthly finance meetings follow-up. Coordinates with all relevant departments to plan, resolves issues, ensure smooth information flow and implementation of project interventions, and set objectives are attained;
  • Ensure targets, timelines, and associated budgets are broken down between field offices (Detailed Implementation plan);
  • Ensure responsibilities are clarified and assigned to respective staff, and partner, (Field level RACI within the Program department);
  • Ensure development of harmonized and high-quality implementation of operational project methodologies and tools (selection of beneficiaries, protection mainstreaming, etc.);
  • Ensure kick-off meetings are organized and Program tools are available and known by Program staff.

Representation and external coordination

  • Ensure with the Program team that TGH is represented in all relevant external coordination fora (clusters, field coordination meetings, partners, authorities and different local players for the program areas of the mission);
  • Represent TGH as the Program focal point at mission level ;
  • Attend bi-lateral meeting with donors, partners, and authorities when needed, or ensure that TGH is represented by someone in the Program team.

This list of responsibilities could be modified according to the needs in the field.

Security, working and living conditions

Despite the fluctuating security situation in Ukraine, the environment in Lviv is relatively calm and travel on foot or by taxi is permitted in the city centre. It is possible to go out in bars, restaurants... but there is a curfew in place from 11pm to 6am according to the martial law in force in the country. TGH team works in spacious and well-equipped offices in the city centre, close to the apartments where the expatriates are accommodated. Access to good internet connexion in the offices. The position could be based in another location in the coming months depending on ongoing discussion about coordination team relocation.


  • Minimum 5 years management experience in an NGO/UN environment, including significant field operations experience running both emergency and development programs at scale and in complex/remote management environments;
  • Robust experience of NGO emergency program cycle management, and with experience of working within a complex and matrix organisation structure;
  • A very good understanding and working knowledge of at least 3 of the sectoral programs priorities of the Country Office ;
  • Good experience in logistics/supply chain including procurement ;
  • Significant knowledge of international humanitarian systems, institutions and donors (including OFDA, DFID, BHA , UNICEF, UNHCR, OCHA, ECHO) and of procedures, accountability frameworks and best practices in emergency management ;
  • Substantial experience and knowledge of effective financial and budgetary control and securing and managing grants from major institutional donors;
  • Ability to analyze information, evaluate options and to think and plan strategically ;
  • An in-depth understanding of national and international development issues ;
  • Previous experience of managing and developing a diverse team and the ability to lead, motivate and develop others ;
  • Excellent interpersonal, communication and presentation skills ;
  • Ability and willingness for work flexibility with incoming teams in the event of major emergencies;
  • Fluency in written and spoken English;
  • Russian/Ukrainian language is an asset.

How to apply

Please apply directly on TGH website:


Basic needs Project Manager- Ukraine (short-term replacement)

Country: Ukraine
Organization: Triangle Génération Humanitaire
Closing date: 10 May 2024

Employment terms

Location: Dnipro, Ukraine

Duration:3 months, from May to August 2024 => short-term replacement

Conditions: Salaried contract, gross monthly salary from €1,957 to €2,678, monthly perdiem €600, medical coverage of 100% + repatriation insurance + provident fund, accommodation, international and local transportation as part of the mission, break every 3 months. No family duty station.

TGH has chosen a deliberately simple and transparent remuneration policy, accessible on our website www.trianglegh.org.The salary levels advertised in our job offers are set within the framework of the salary scale and are not open to negotiation.

TGH background

"Actor in a sustainable and shared solidarity"

Founded in 1994, TGH is a French association for international solidarity based in Lyon. It designs and implements emergency, rehabilitation and development programmes in the fields of water, hygiene and sanitation, food security and rural development, socio-education and psychosocial support. TGH is currently active in 10 countries in Africa, Europe and Asia.

Presentation of the mission

TGH is present in Ukraine since 2015. Established in Kramatorsk (East), TGH’s interventions were targeting the most vulnerable populations along the contact line employing traditional and innovative modalities as follows:

  • Provision of electronic vouchers (e-vouchers for food, hygiene or dual-purpose e-vouchers), an innovative modality with application of mobile phones and web-money-based interface
  • Cash for Work (rehabilitation or social work)
  • PSS
  • Documentation support (restoration or obtaining of official/legal documents)
  • Provision of basic humanitarian assistance: food and hygiene kits, in Donestk, NGCA

In 2020, TGH has completed its intervention with an emergency Covid-19 response funded by UNICEF supporting healthcare, educational and social institutions and households of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts (GCA) along the contact line with electronic vouchers for essential hygiene.

Following February 24th, TGH mobilized its teams on the ground and at headquarter to maintain its existing activities and develop an emergency response to meet the immediate needs of the affected populations. To this end, TGH has quickly started various assistance program to cover the basic needs and respond to the psychological distress of the affected households and individuals. Up to this date, TGH is implementing 2 different projects, while others are under discussion. To implement these activities in the most affected areas of Ukraine, TGH has developed and reinforced the collaboration with local partners that are essential and take a crucial place in the global response.

Initially operational in Ukraine from Kramatorsk, the team has been relocated to Lviv where the main TGH office is. Given the enormous needs all around Ukraine and the different grants awarded, TGH opened 3 sub-office in the other main cities of Ukraine (Vinnytsia, Cherkasy and Dnipro) in order to be closer to the beneficiaries and ensure a proper implementation and follow up.

TGH is a member of the following Clusters and Working groups: Protection, Age and Disability Working Group (ADWG), Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Working Group (MHPSS WG), Food Security and Livelihoods Cluster (FSLC), Agriculture Working Group, Cash-based transfers Working Group (CBTWG) and WASH cluster.

Job description

The Basic needs Project Manager, based in Dnipro will ensure the implementation of WASH and NFI-Shelter as well as cash activities of the TGH mission in the East. He/she will supervise the field activity teams of the mission.

He/she will work in close collaboration with the sectorial Heads of Program in coordination. He/she will ensure the quality of the interventions and the compliance with TGH procedures.

Under the supervision of the Deputy Field Coordinator for Program, the main responsibilities of the Basic needs Project Manager are as follows:

Coordination and follow-up of projects

  • Manage the projects implementation and follow-up for the WASH and NFI/Shelter (including winterization) and cash related activities ;
  • Coordinate with the support and program teams to ensure overall management of TGH projects for effective implementation of all program activities;
  • Manage proper budgets follow-up and forecast for its activity sectors;
  • Participate actively in the program meetings at area level ;Follow up on the delivery of materials in conjunction with the logistics team for its sectors;
  • Manage the compliance with internal and donor procedures in the implementation, monitoring and reporting of activities;
  • Manage the link and good coordination between the field activity staff for the supervised sectors and all supports departments;
  • Manage with the Security Manager and security Focal Point at base level the security of the teams in the field;
  • Manage adequate communication and coordination between the technical staff for the relevant sectors of activities;
  • Manage internal reporting, based on TGH tools and donor reporting schedule.

Implementation and development of intervention strategy

  • Participate with the Deputy Field Coordinator for Program in the definition of the intervention strategy in the area of operation;
  • Propose and participate in field assessments;
  • Participate in proposal writing and fund raising;
  • Participate in the review of operations plan to support the program activities.

Log / Admin

  • Manage efficiently the use of resources within the allocated project budgets according to donor’ and internal procedures;
  • Ensure that internal procedures are understood by all staff and applied;
  • Ensure the mutualisation of means between the teams under his/her responsibility;
  • Participate in developing budget for the new proposal;

Coordination and representation

  • Maintain and develop good working relations with the local technical authorities and other humanitarian actors;
  • Represent the organisation as necessary in regional cluster meetings ( WASH and Shelter/NFI and cash if relevant);
  • Ensure adequate technical coordination with NGOs in the same areas of operation in the 3 sectors covered;
  • Actively develop and maintain effective working relationships with key technical stakeholders at the local level ;
  • Establish and maintain networks with UN, INGOs, and local partners to promote strategic partnerships.

Team Management

  • Ensure internal communication within the team through regular team meetings;
  • Carry out necessary appraisals of the staff under his/her supervision;
  • Ensure the respect of internal HR regulations;
  • Ensure the ongoing capacity building of operations team through support to direct and technical supervisors in ensuring staff performance evaluations and individual development plans;
  • Support field staff in the implementation of personnel policies including coaching, performance evaluation, staff development, and disciplinary measures.

This list of responsibilities could be modified according to the needs.

Security, working and living conditions

In Dnipro, air alerts are daily, witnessed few explosions and strikes in the past period, and recently been facing unscheduled emergency electricity cuts.

However, travel on foot or by taxi is permitted in the city centre, and it is possible to go out to bars, restaurants... but there is a curfew in place from 12pm to 5am according to the martial law in force in the country. TGH team works in spacious and well-equipped offices with a shelter in the city centre, close to the Guest House where the expatriate are accommodated. Access to good internet connection in the offices and the guesthouse


  • Experience of minimum 3 years in project management in at least one of the 3 intervention sectors;
  • Diploma in relevant technical sectors ( WASH, Shelter, Cash);
  • Good knowledge of donor requirements (especially BHA, OCHA, UNHCR…);
  • Ability and motivation to live and work in a team;
  • Ability to set up and deliver training;
  • Ability to live and work in an unstable security environment;
  • Fluency in written and spoken English ;
  • Russian/Ukrainian language is an asset.

How to apply

Please apply directly on TGH website: https://www.trianglegh.org/ActionHumanitaire/FR/RH/OffresEmploi/PP-Ukraine-JD-Basic-needs-Project-Manager-04-2024.html

Coordinateur·trice terrain – RCA

Country: Central African Republic
Organization: Triangle Génération Humanitaire
Closing date: 6 May 2024

Information clé

Pays : RCA - poste basé à Birao en Vakaga avec des déplacements possibles dans la province et à Bangui

Durée : contrat de 9 mois (renouvelable)

Prise de poste : dès que possible

Conditions : Contrat salarié, salaire mensuel brut de 2 729 € à 3 244 €, per diem mensuel 606 €, prise en charge d’une couverture médicale à 100% + assurance rapatriement + prévoyance, prise en charge du logement et du transport international et local dans le cadre de la mission, repos tous les 3 mois.

Ce poste n'est pas ouvert à un départ en famille

TGH fait le choix d’une politique de rémunération volontairement simple et transparente, accessible sur notre site www.trianglegh.org .
Les niveaux de salaires annoncés dans nos offres de poste sont ainsi fixés dans le cadre de la grille de salaire et ne sont pas ouverts à la négociation.

Plus d'information sur www.trianglegh.org , rubrique "Recrutement".

TGH se réserve le droit de mettre fin au processus de recrutement dès qu’un candidat est positionné

Présentation de TGH

"Acteur d'une solidarité durable et partagée"

Créée en 1994, TGH, association française de solidarité internationale basée à Lyon, élabore et met en œuvre des programmes d'urgence, de réhabilitation et de développement dans les domaines de l'eau, de l'hygiène et de l'assainissement, de la sécurité alimentaire et du développement rural, du socio-éducatif et du psychosocial. TGH travaille actuellement dans 10 pays d’Afrique, d’Europe et d’Asie.


Considérée comme l’un des pays les plus pauvres au monde, la République centrafricaine (RCA) connait une crise humanitaire depuis de longues années. Cette situation est en partie la cause, mais aussi la conséquence de la faiblesse de l’Etat et de l’instabilité politique chronique, souvent à base ethnique, qui secouent régulièrement le pays. Depuis mars 2013, les changements de régimes qui se sont succédé ont contribué à une escalade des violences intercommunautaires, multipliant les violations des droits de l'homme, les déplacements massifs de population, (estimé à 326 000 en septembre 2023) la destruction de biens et la perte des moyens de subsistance pour la population. A cet égard, le Comité permanent inter-organisations hisse la crise centrafricaine au niveau 3 de l’urgence humanitaire, ce dernier étant le plus élevé.
Il est estimé qu’à fin 2023, 2,8 millions de personnes sont en besoin d’assistance humanitaire en RCA, soit 46% de la population centrafricaine. 1,3 millions d’entre elles ont moins de 17 ans. Les secteurs prioritaires sont les soins ceux de l'EHA, de la protection, de la santé et de la sécurité alimentaire. Malgré une situation globale considérée comme en voie de stabilisation, les affrontements réguliers rendent difficile l’accès aux populations dans le besoin et donc le travail des organisations humanitaires. La situation politique et les mouvements des groupes armés en province réclament un monitoring permanent.

Deux ans après que les Forces armées centrafricaines (FACA) et les Autres personnels de sécurité (APS) aient mené des opérations militaires contre des éléments des groupes armés, ces derniers ont été forcés de quitter les grandes villes pour les zones rurales et les pays voisins (Tchad et Soudan), trois nouveaux foyers de tensions à risques réels en 2023, affectant directement les populations dans le nord-ouest, le nord-est et le sud-est ont vu le jour.
Au nord-est, deux principales dynamiques ont influencé le contexte sécuritaire en 2023, notamment la guerre soudanaise et les affrontements entre les FACA et des groupes armés. Dans la préfecture de la Vakaga, les affrontements entre les éléments d’un groupe armé et les FACA à la fin janvier à Gordil, et à la mi-février à Sikikedé ont causé de nombreuses pertes en vies humaines, y compris au sein des APS. Cette situation n’est pas sans conséquence sur la réponse humanitaire et l’accès aux populations dans le besoin. La présence croissante des combattants des groupes armés dans la Vakaga fait suite à la décision de septembre 2022, par laquelle le ministère des mines interdisait aux prospecteurs locaux de travailler sur les sites de production d'or des préfectures de la Vakaga et de Bamingui-Bangoran, où les groupes armés généraient auparavant d'importants revenus à travers des taxes qui étaient imposées aux mineurs artisanaux. La concurrence pour l’accès aux ressources naturelles reste un facteur de conflit en RCA au-delà de la zone du nord-est.

Présentation de la mission

TGH a débuté son intervention en RCA en 2007 pour soutenir les populations vulnérables de la préfecture de la Vakaga. Aujourd’hui, l’association intervient en Vakaga dans les secteurs de la sécurité alimentaire, de l’Eau, Hygiène, Assainissement (EHA) et de l’éducation. TGH reste ainsi l’une des principales organisations humanitaires internationales présentes de manière continue dans cette région marginalisée et excentrée. Les projets qu’elle met en œuvre dans la préfecture sont notamment financés par l’AFD, le Fonds Humanitaire pour la RCA (FH RCA) et depuis 2023 l’Unicef.
A Bangui, où le phénomène des enfants des rues connait une progression alarmante, les services de l’antenne mobile mis en place depuis 2014 par TGH garantissent aux enfants un accès à des services socio-éducatifs et médicaux de base et participent au processus de réunification familiale et de placement en famille d’accueil. Dans ce domaine TGH travaille en étroite collaboration avec les acteurs de la protection de l’Enfant et l’association locale La Fondation Voix du Cœur. Ce programme est financé par l’AFD et le CDCS. A Bangui mais aussi à Berberati, TGH intervient avec un financement AFD en consortium avec Mercy Corps dans le secteur de la Formation Professionnelle. De 2011 à 2021, TGH était présente dans la Ouaka avec une base opérationnelle à Bambari sur des activités EHA et sécurité alimentaire.
La mission est financée à hauteur d’environ 3,5 millions d’euros. L’équipe actuelle est composée de 18 expatriés et d’environ 130 personnels nationaux, répartis sur les différentes bases opérationnelles (Bangui et Birao).


La ville de Birao préfecture de la Vakaga est située à 1000 kms au nord-est de Bangui et abrite depuis 2007 une des bases opérationnelles de TGH en RCA. Trois projets sont actuellement en cours. Le premier porte sur une action multisectorielle et multi annuelle en consortium avec PUI, dont TGH est l’organisation lead.
Le second vient en réponse à la crise des réfugiés soudanais avec des interventions EHA et de protection sur le site de Korsi (environ 2 000 réfugiés à Birao) et sur les axes prioritaires de la Vakaga.
Le troisième est un projet d’éducation en urgence sur les axes afin d’apporter une réponse qui permet aux enfants d’accéder à une éducation inclusive, équitable et de qualité, dans un environnement d’apprentissage à la fois physiquement et psychologiquement sûr et protecteur.

Le/la Coordinateur·trice terrain assure la supervision et la coordination des opérations mises en œuvre dans la région de Birao, la sécurité des équipes, les relations avec les autorités civiles et militaires et les autres acteurs humanitaires, ainsi que le bon fonctionnement général de la base de Birao.

Il/elle travaille sous la responsabilité du Directeur Pays et en lien avec les Coordinateurs de chaque départements (programme, logistique, finance/RH), basés à Bangui. Il/elle supervise directement l'équipe expatriée basée à Birao (composée de 7 personnes). Le lien fonctionnel avec les Responsables de projet basés à Birao (x 4) est assuré par l’Adjoint Directeur Pays aux Programmes depuis Bangui qui effectue des missions de supervision régulières sur la base et assure la coordination programmatique et une partie des relations techniques avec les bailleurs.

Le/la Coordinateur·trice assume les responsabilités suivantes :

Coordination et suivi des programmes

  • Encadrer, en lien avec l’Adjoint Directeur Pays aux Programmes, les Responsables de projet dans la mise en œuvre et le suivi des activités et des objectifs opérationnels ;
  • Suivre le(s) projet(s) en l’absence éventuelle d’un Responsable de projet et les accompagner en cas de besoin ;
  • Suivre les budgets en lien avec le Responsable Finance, RH, Administration et la coordination ;
  • Suivre la livraison du matériel en lien avec le Responsable logistique et la coordination logistique ;
  • Garantir le respect des procédures internes et des procédures bailleurs dans la mise en œuvre, la qualité et la fréquence du reporting des activités ;
  • Assurer un lien et une bonne coordination entre les programmes et l’ensemble des supports ;
  • Participer aux réunions de coordination avec l’équipe de Bangui afin de promouvoir la cohésion et la pertinence des actions ;
  • Participer au reporting externe et interne, rapports bailleurs et outils de suivi des projets selon le planning prédéfinit avec la coordination.

Gestion de la sécurité

  • Assurer la veille contextuelle politique, sécuritaire et socio-économique de la zone, assurer sa diffusion en interne, et participer à l’analyse de la situation ;
  • Actualiser régulièrement et de manière participative les outils de gestion de la sécurité de la base (plan sécu, ..) en respectant les formats de l’association et en assurer la bonne connaissance et le respect par le personnel de la base ;
  • Garantir, avec le Directeur Pays, un niveau et des modalités d’opération adaptés au contexte ;
  • Gérer, en lien avec le Directeur Pays et le siège, les incidents de sécurité et les situations d’urgence ;
  • Représenter l’association aux réunions civilo-militaires et autres réunions de coordination sécuritaire ;
  • Tenir un carnet d’adresse/réseau de contacts nécessaire au monitoring sécu et entretenir une bonne collaboration avec le réseau d’acteurs sécuritaires dans la zone ;
  • Accompagner l’agent de liaison sécurité national présent sur la base.
  • Informer le personnel des règles de sécurité.

Gestion de l’équipe

  • Assurer une bonne coordination et une bonne communication interne, notamment par la tenue de réunions régulières ;
  • Réaliser les évaluations individuelles du personnel expatrié ;
  • Superviser la gestion du personnel national par les managers (respect du règlement intérieur, évaluations régulières, sanctions éventuelles, politique de formation, politique de rémunération…) ;
  • Assurer une bonne ambiance et un bon esprit d’équipe.

Gestion de la base

  • Veiller au respect général des différentes procédures internes ;
  • Assurer, avec les équipes administratives et logistiques, le bon fonctionnement de la base sur les plans administratif, financier et logistique ;
  • Veiller à une mutualisation optimale des moyens des différents projets ;
  • Veille au respect de l’application du RACI pour la bonne marche de la base ;
  • Assurer des conditions de vie et de travail adéquates.

Représentation de l’association

  • Entretenir et développer de bonnes relations de travail ainsi qu’une bonne visibilité de l’association auprès des autorités civiles et militaires locales, des autres acteurs humanitaires (agences de l’ONU, ONG) et des forces internationales présentes dans la zone ;
  • Représenter l’association pour les différentes réunions (coordination, concertation…) ;
  • Assurer une bonne coordination avec les autres ONG présentes sur le terrain.

Définition et mise en œuvre de la stratégie d’intervention

  • Participer à la définition de la stratégie d’intervention pour la région et à sa mise à jour quand cela est nécessaire ;
  • En lien avec cette stratégie, coordonner et participer à l’évaluation des besoins sur le terrain, la préparation de propositions de projets et participer à la recherche de fonds.

Ces responsabilités pourront être revues en fonction des évolutions des besoins sur le terrain

Conditions de sécurité, de travail, et de vie

Le contexte sécuritaire impose le respect de règles de sécurité (couvre-feu, suivi des mouvements, etc.). Les déplacements sur le terrain, en dehors des villes principales, sont possibles mais nécessitent une analyse préalable. Les déplacements en ville ne sont en général pas sujets à restriction, sauf tension. TGH est un acteur humanitaire connu et apprécié dans la zone.

A Birao, TGH dispose d’une concession bureau-base de vie sécurisée où chaque expatrié a sa chambre. L’électricité est fournie par un générateur qui ne fonctionne que quelques heures par jour ; la connexion internet est dépendante du fonctionnement du générateur.

Un retour régulier sur Bangui permet aux expatriés de se reposer et de profiter de certains loisirs disponibles à Bangui.


  • Minimum de 3 ans d’expérience humanitaire de terrain, dont au moins un an sur des fonctions de coordination ;
  • Expérience en gestion de la sécurité dans un contexte de conflit ;
  • Excellente maitrise du cycle de gestion de projet ;
  • Expérience en gestion d’équipe ;
  • Expérience en gestion de contrats bailleurs ;
  • Bonnes capacités rédactionnelles en français ;
  • Capacité à vivre dans un contexte sécuritaire instable ;
  • Capacités d’anticipation et de prise de décision ;
  • Capacité et motivation pour vivre et travailler en équipe ;
  • Très bonne capacité de gestion du stress.

How to apply

Postulez directement sur notre site internet : https://www.trianglegh.org/ActionHumanitaire/FR/RH/OffresEmploi/PP-RCA-Coordinateur%C2%B7trice-Terrain-Birao-04-2024.html

Adjoint·e responsable géographique, Lyon Siège

Country: France
Organization: Triangle Génération Humanitaire
Closing date: 10 May 2024

Adjoint-e- responsable géographique – Lyon, siège de l’association

Lieu de travail : LYON – Siège de l’association

Fonction : Adjoint-e- responsable géographique – Desk Ukraine, Centrafrique

Prise de poste : 1er juillet 2024

Conditions : CDI, 2 971 € brut mensuel, tickets restaurant et mutuelle pris en charge à 60%, 35 h effectives, 2 jours de télétravail possible par semaine

Présentation de Triangle Génération Humanitaire

"Acteur d'une solidarité durable et partagée"

Créée en 1994, TGH, association française de solidarité internationale basée à Lyon, élabore et met en œuvre des programmes d'urgence, de réhabilitation et de développement dans les domaines de l'eau, de l'hygiène et de l'assainissement, de la sécurité alimentaire et du développement rural, du socio-éducatif et du psychosocial. TGH travaille actuellement dans 10 pays d’Afrique, d’Europe et d’Asie.


L'adjoint-e- responsable géographique appuie l'ensemble des opérations et le développement de nos activités dans plusieurs pays (Ukraine, RCA). Le poste implique des séjours fréquents dans ces pays d’intervention.

Il/elle travaille sous la supervision directe du Responsable géographique (responsable du desk), en contact direct avec les missions, et en étroite collaboration avec l'ensemble de l'équipe Siège (direction opérationnelle, autres desks, pôle technique, départements finances, ressources humaines, support logistique, et support communication).

Il/elle peut être amené-e à encadrer un/e stagiaire desk, en lien avec la Responsable Géographique.

Contrôle qualité et reporting des programmes

  • Supervision du démarrage et de la mise en œuvre des projets en conformité avec les engagements contractuels vis-à-vis les bailleurs de fonds, et en lien avec les équipes sur le terrain (coordination programmes principalement) et le pôle technique
  • Participation à la définition des stratégies opérationnelles des missions
  • Identification des difficultés concernant la mise en œuvre des programmes, alerte du responsable géographique et de tout autre service pertinent, et accompagnement des équipes opérationnelles à la résolution de ces difficultés
  • Suivi et anticipation des échéances, participation à la rédaction et au contrôle de la qualité du reporting bailleurs, en lien avec les missions, les référents techniques et le département financier
  • Préparation des tableaux de bord des programmes : avancée globale des activités, progrès par rapport aux résultats, consommation budgétaire, aspects transverses, etc., en consolidant les informations et données venant des différents services et, le cas échéant, du terrain
  • Contribution au renforcement des compétences des programmes en matière de gestion de cycle de projet et de MEAL (en lien avec le pôle technique), des règles bailleurs (en lien avec le département financier) et, le cas échéant, de thématiques transversales ou d’autres thématiques jugées pertinentes
  • Visites régulières sur les programmes de la zone (20 à 25 % du temps environ)
  • Appui à la gestion de crise
  • Participation aux réunions de coordination du siège

Appui au développement de nouveaux projets

  • Analyse des opportunités de développement (et de financement) des opérations sur la base de la stratégie des missions
  • Monitoring de l’implémentation de la stratégie de TGH dans les programmes
  • Coordination de l’élaboration des projets (activités et budgets) avec le terrain, le pôle technique et le département financier
  • Participation à la rédaction et contrôle de qualité des propositions de projets
  • Suivi des appels à proposition des bailleurs institutionnels et recherche de fonds
  • Appui à la recherche d’informations sur des thèmes particuliers

Participation à la gestion des relations avec les bailleurs, partenaires locaux et internationaux

  • Représentation de l'association auprès des bailleurs, des autorités locales et des partenaires lors des visites terrain ou à la demande du Responsable géographique
  • Participation à des réunions spécifiques

Participation au recrutement et à l’accompagnement du personnel expatrié en lien avec le département des ressources humaines

  • Participation à la configuration des équipes terrain et la planification des besoins en RH des missions
  • Participation aux entretiens de recrutement et à la prise de décisions sur le positionnement des candidats en lien avec l'équipe RH
  • Participation aux briefings départ et aux débriefings fin de mission des expatriés

Gestion de l’information

  • Participation au maintien et mise à jour du système d'archivage du desk
  • Actualisation, centralisation et diffusion des procédures (internes et bailleurs), guidelines et outils missions


  • Cursus universitaire généraliste. Spécialisation en solidarité internationale-action humanitaire indispensable
  • Expérience de gestion de projet en ONG d’au moins 3 ans, dont au moins 1 an sur le terrain en poste de coordination opérationnelle
  • Une expérience siège ONG sera un atout
  • Expériences professionnelles sur les pays d’implantation de TGH appréciée
  • Maîtrise du cycle de projet, forte légitimité opérationnelle et conceptuelle
  • Bonne connaissance du cadre de procédures des principaux bailleurs notamment Commission européenne, Nations Unies, Ministère de l’Europe et des Affaires Etrangères du Gouvernement français et Agence Française de Développement, Etat français, ainsi que des mécanismes de coordination et de financement humanitaires sur le terrain
  • Mobilité à l’international
  • Flexibilité et disponibilité pour des départs sur le terrain dans des délais courts
  • Rigueur, organisation, écoute, bon relationnel en particulier dans les échanges à distance pour du travail en équipe
  • Anticipation, planification, organisation
  • Très bonnes facilités de travail en équipe, à l’aise et souple dans les relations interpersonnelles, empathie professionnelle
  • Excellentes capacités rédactionnelles en français et en anglais
  • Très bonnes capacités de communication orale et de négociation en français et en anglais
  • Bonne maîtrise du pack MS Office
  • Goût du travail en équipe
  • Polyvalence et pragmatisme
  • Capacité de prise d’initiative, réactivité, orientation solutions


Les candidats sont invités à transmettre un CV et une lettre d'accompagnement en ligne, à l’adresse suivante : https://trianglegh.org/ActionHumanitaire/FR/RH/RessourcesHumaines.html

How to apply


Les candidats sont invités à transmettre un CV et une lettre d'accompagnement en ligne, à l’adresse suivante : https://trianglegh.org/ActionHumanitaire/FR/RH/RessourcesHumaines.html

Head of Finance, HR and Administration Department – Syria, Damascus

Country: Syrian Arab Republic
Organization: Triangle Génération Humanitaire
Closing date: 15 May 2024


Location: Syrian Arab Republic - Damascus

Duration: : 7 months, starting in July 2024

Conditions: Salaried contract, gross monthly salary from €2,369 to €2,884, monthly per diem 850 USD, medical coverage of 100% + repatriation insurance + provident fund, accommodation, international and local transportation as part of the mission, break every 3 months. Non family duty station.

TGH has chosen a deliberately simple and transparent remuneration policy, accessible on our website www.trianglegh.org
The salary levels advertised in our job offers are set within the framework of the salary scale and are not open to negotiation.

More information on www.trianglegh.org, under "JOBS".

TGH reserves the right to end the recruitment process as soon as a candidate is positioned

Presentation of TGH

"Actor in a sustainable and shared solidarity"

Founded in 1994, TGH is a French association for international solidarity based in Lyon. It designs and implements emergency, rehabilitation and development programmes in the fields of water, hygiene and sanitation, food security and rural development, socio-education and psychosocial support. TGH is currently active in 10 countries in Africa, Europe and Asia.

Presentation of TGH’s work in Syria

TGH was registered in Syria in May 2017 and works under the coordination of the Syrian Arab Red Crescent (SARC), officially mandated by the Syrian Authorities to coordinate activities of humanitarian organizations committed to providing assistance to the conflict-affected Syrian population in Syria.

TGH’s sectors of intervention in Syria are: WASH, Education including a Vocational training component, and Child Protection. TGH is currently piloting a cash-based intervention to support households’ livelihoods and encourage children’s schooling.

TGH in Syria is active across five governorates namely Rural Damascus, Hama, South Idleb, Aleppo and Daraa, and manages several multisector integrated projects with an area-based approach. These are funded by ECHO (until July 2024), SHF (until November 2024), SDC (until July 2025) and other private foundations or public agencies. Senior Management Team coordination is based in Damascus.

TGH is currently updating its strategy in Syria for 2024-2026 to respond to the acute humanitarian needs of Syrian most vulnerable and exposed people while increasing their resilience capacities in country. Our strategy consists in shifting, gradually and where appropriate, to more early recovery development-oriented programming, while maintaining the capacity to provide humanitarian assistance as needed.

The mission is composed of more than 60 national staffs, 50 volunteers and 7 expatriates: Country Director, Head of WASH and Shelter Program, Head of Education and Protection Program, Head of Admin/ Finance / HR, Head of Logistics, MEAL Manager, Grants and Reporting Manager.

Job description

The Head of Finance, HR and Administration Department works under the responsibility of the Country Director. He/she line manages the national Support Manager, who is responsible for overviewing the work of the Finance Officer (under recruitment), the Admin-HR Officer and the Admin-Finance-HR Assistant. The main responsibility of the HO FIN-HR-ADMIN DPT will be to support the activities implementation while minimizing the financial risk for the organization through the following responsibilities:

The main responsibilities include:


  • Ensure internal financial systems, policies and controls are applied;
  • Process to internal control in order to improve the compliance and ensure the well justification of the expenditures reported
  • Process to the review supporting document linked to the expenditures in order to ensure the compliance and the well justification of the incurred expenditures.
  • Prepare, organize and supervises audits, with the support of the HQ Finance Officer
  • Prepare budgets linked with the project proposals
  • Coordinate the monthly budget Follow up with Coordinators and update the forecasts
  • Monitor ongoing levels of expenditure on individual programs against budget, and provide timely advice of likely over or under-spends to the Coordination Team;
  • Monitor overall budget consumption with respect to donors’ constraints creates and updates regularly allocation board and alert the Country Director as well the relevant Coordinator
  • Identify and analyze of any discrepancy and suggestion of solution
  • Keep an up to date Allocation Table for the mission and forecasts
  • Ensure that TGH Shared costs policy is well applied in order to ensure a fair allocation between donors’ contracts
  • Elaborate financial donors’ and internals’ financial reports and amendment
  • Be the person in charge for the respect of accountancy and accounting process
  • Manage and anticipate the cash flow and monthly cash requests to Head Quarters and with the bases
  • Organize and supervises all aspects of cash flow including security of cash, ensures sufficient separation of responsibility and level of control over transactions
  • Ensure that payments are made in a timely and secure manner across all the country operations
  • Supervise and train the Administrative Officer on daily accountancy, in collaboration with the Support Manager
  • Train the Administrative Officer on SAGA and on general TGH procedures, in collaboration with the Support Manager
  • In collaboration with the Country Director, assure the link with the financial interlocutors (donors, bank…)
  • Prepare financial tool to ease the follow up of project for coordinators and program managers
  • Along with program coordinators, build the capacity of Program managers in terms of finance and budget follow up.


  • Ensure that TGH follows the Syrian laws
  • Collect all information about income tax and social benefits, and update internal regulations, work contracts and administrative guidelines accordingly
  • Keep the Country Directors informed about all new regulations and potential impact on TGH administrative procedures.
  • Ensure the respect of internal and donor’s procedures in coordination with the HQ and Logistic coordinator.
  • Provide specific training to the national team on the internal logistic, HR, admin and finance procedures
  • Support the Administrative team with administrative procedures (i.e. visa/residency, clearance for office, guesthouse, field visit requests…)
  • Ensure that archiving process are applied and that the monthly archiving of the hardcopies as well as the archiving of the softcopies are sent on timely manner to HQ


  • Collect and analyze all necessary information on local labour law and update internal regulations/work contracts accordingly
  • Follow up of employment contracts and staff appraisals
  • Ensure a training plan is updated based on the appraisals and needs assessed by Coordinators, Managers and the Country Director and explore the possibilities of funding for trainings
  • Identify the training needs and organize trainings for the support teams along with Logistics Coordinator
  • Valid the monthly database prepared by the Support Manager
  • Regularly update HR documents (FUs, organigram, leaves etc.)
  • Ensure a good communication with the staff related to HR and activities is getting done through internal memos and meetings
  • Assist the Country Director in ensuring that HR policies are understood and respected by all staff
  • Update the recruitment policy and ensure it is respected on the mission
  • Participate in the hiring process of support staff and monitor and contribute to any other recruitment process as needed


  • Liaise with program and logistics coordinators for project budget follow-up and procurement follow-up
  • Contribute to the respect of security measures applied by the Country Director


  • Attend internal coordination meetings
  • Attend external inter-NGO administration, HR and logistic coordination meetings if needed


  • Writing financial reports and compiling data for financial reports
  • Contribute to monthly reporting to headquarters for accounting in close coordination with the Logistics Coordinator
  • Regularly report to the Country Director

This list of responsibilities could be modified according to the needs.

Safety, working and living conditions

The current volatile and unpredictable context in Syria requires strict security rules in terms of movements and transmission of information / communication with the Headquarters.

Working and living conditions in Damascus are good although the situation is more precarious now than it used to be before October 7th, 2023.
Communication means are satisfying (efficient internet, international phones).

The office is separated from the guesthouses. Individual rooms are available for each expatriate.
When in the field, international staff movements are strictly limited and under tracking.


  • At least 2 years’ experience as Administration/Finance/HR manager/coordinator required in humanitarian context
  • Proven experience in accountancy and financial management
  • Fluent in English; Arabic is a strong asset
  • Good skills in transfer of knowledge/training
  • Computer skills (including Excel and Word)
  • Working knowledge of SAGA
  • Excellent interpersonal and diplomatic skills
  • Autonomy, rigor and skills for synthesis
  • Good organizational skills
  • Adaptation capacities to dynamic context
  • Sense of humor

How to apply

To apply :


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